ISSUE 55 (69), 2010, No.1, ISSN 1224-6042
Man T.E., David I., Sumalan I.,A Summary of Activity in the Field “Hydrotechnics Engineering in Theory and Practice”,pp.3 |
David I., A short overview of some results relating the modeling of flow – and transport processes in porous media, pp.9 |
Diaz J., Sustainable Design from Building to Construction within International Environments, pp.17 |
David I., Man T.E., Hans- Brenninger J., Wagner R., Giosan C., Racelescu R., Hydraulic Test and Exhibition Stand for Hawle Valves in the Modeling Hall of the Faculty of Hydrotehnics in Timisoara, pp.25 |
Gerdes H., Kämpf M., Groundwater management and climate change, pp.34 |
Sumalan I., Reducing the effect of pollution in exploited aquifers by technical solutions, pp. 37 |
Receanu R.G., Andre Hertig J., Fallot J.M., Man T. E., A methodology for the adaptation of the PMP at the determination of the PMF, pp. 41 |
Man T.E., Djelal-Dantec C., Yannick Vanhoe Y., Ienci I.C., Example of exploitation of water energy in hydro systems using the hydraulic transformer type A. Barglazan and the hydraulic hammer (hydraulic pump), pp. 49 |
Bica I., Gogu C.R., Palcu M., Current Trends and Approaches in Urban Hydrogeology, pp. 55 |
Luca M., Bălan R.P., The modelling of pollution processes in the area of industrial waste, pp. 61 |
Cojocariu P., Luca M. , Groundwater quality control, pp.67 |
Bartha I., Marcoie N.,Toma D.,Toacă D. Gabor V., Research of filtration through sorted river gravel, pp.71 |
David I., Eles G., Data base for Timisoara City groundwater, pp.77 |
Cazanescu S., Maracineanu F, Tadjer J., Sewer Network Design Using Urbano Canalis Version 7 Release 2010, pp. 81 |
Popescu S., Maracineanu F., Constantin E., Studies on the land improvement protection within the process of arrangement of Stoenesti hydrological basin , pp.87 |
Sabău N.C., Man T.E., Domuța C., Bodog M., Șandor M., Teușdea A.C., Brejea R., Expanding possibilities for using the software DrenVSubIR, to design associated drainage with deep loosening works through scarifying , pp.93 |
Domuța C. , Șandor M., Bara V., Ciobanu Gh., Borza I., Domuța Cr., Brejea R., Ciobanu C., Bara C., Bara L., Vușcan, A.,Modifications of the preluvosoil properties under long term irrigation use in the Crișurilor Plain conditions, pp. 100 |
Luca M., Tămășanu F., Luca A.L., The modelling of flow phenomena in the polycentric river beds,pp.105 |
Mărăcineanu F., Constantin E., Nistor E., Research on hydric condition of drained soils in the Danube watermeadow, Năsturelu - Bujoru sector ,pp.109 |
Constantin A.T., Nicoară Ș. V., Popescu-BușanA. I., Jumanca R.L., Vișescu M., Design of the dry precinct with slurry walls for the underground structure of a mall and office center, pp. 113 |
Jumanca R.L., Nicoara S.V. , Structure calculation for the concrete bridge over the Rusca dam spillway gap on Raul Rece , pp.117 |
Popescu-Busan I.A., David I., Nicoară S.V., The appearance and degree of fitting of the river basin territory of Romania , pp.121 |
Muj S., Girbaciu C., Ductile design, strong columns ,pp.125 |
Cretu G., Badaluta Minda C., The significant steps in the promotion of some concepts in water, pp. 129 |
Doandeș V., A method for point stability verification in a closed level traverse, pp. 134 |
Doandeș V., Popescu D., Possibilities of selecting the equipment and method in plotting operation, pp.137 |
Doandeș V., Popescu D., Considerations regarding operation of tracing the constructions objectives, pp.140 |
Visinescu-Brinzea L., Maracineanu F., Constantin E, Contribution to the extension program on sustainable management of soil and water ressources in agricultural holdings in South Eastern Rumania, Prahova county, pp.143 |
Comisu O., Statescu F., Analysis and estimation model of contaminated soils, pp.147 |
Constantinescu, L., Soil pollution control methods, pp.153 |
Grozav, A., Rogobete G., Estimating erodibility of soils from the Bârzava hydrographical basin, pp.157 |
Man T. E., Gabor A., Orlescu M.C., Coput F, Meriu D., Assessment of Climate Evolution Trends and Updating Water Requirements in Fântânele-Șagu-Arad Irrigation Systems,in order to Rehabilitate – Refurbishment, pp.161 |
Ungureanu A.,Models for predictingthe gas diffusion coefficient in undisturbed soils, pp.168 |