ISSUE 56 (70), 2011, No.1, ISSN 1224-6042
Constantin, T.A., Lazar, Gh., Ghițescu, M.A.,Inundability study –Periam port area –Mureș River , pp.3 |
Nagy, C.,Roșu, A., Anescu, R., Király, Z., Hoancă, D., Implementation of the River Basin Management Plan – a Major Step in Sustainable Water Management, pp.11 |
Sabău, N.C., Bodog, M., Teușdea A.C., Domuța, C., Șandor, M., Brejea R., The New Functions that can be added at the soft for horizontal drainage design Drenvsubir,pp.15 |
Herbei, M.V., Herbei, O., Using spatial and 3D analysis instruments in a G.I.S. project, pp.19 |
Ungureanu, A., Research on shaping the water flow and transport into the soil, pp. 23 |
Buz, L., Peter, A.,Water management works within the Barcău/ Beretyó River Basin, pp.29 |
Receanu, R.G., Hertig, J.A., Fallot, J.M, Man, T.E., Determination of extreme floods using a distributed hydrological model, pp.33 |
Vlaicu, I., The Extension and Modernisation of the Water and Sewerage Systems in the Timiș County,pp.37 |
Man, T.E., Tamas, M., Stana, O.,Socio-economic analysis of Anina locality. Proposals of measures for sustainable development,pp.41 |
Costescu, I.A., Hălbac Cotoară Z.R.,Measures taken to reach the “Climatic changes and clean energy” objective from the National Strategy of Sustainable Development, in Region V West Romania, pp.49 |
Constantinescu, L., Air Pollution, pp.55 |
Statescu, F., Cotiusca, Z., D., Pavel, V.L., Soil porosity and pore size distribution, pp.59 |
Constantinescu, L.,Urban Greening and Life Quality,pp.63 |
Podoleanu, C.E., Bordeasu, I., Barglazan, M., Improving the reliability of a guide vane actuating mechanism for bulb –type units,pp.67 |
Baliga, D.L., Impact of crops on groundwater remediation, pp.73 |
Man, T.E., Mutascu, G.,Rehabilitation of Drainage Multipurpose Arrangement and Soil Erosion Control Greoni-Ticvani, Caras-Severin County,pp.77 |
Nemeș, I., Evolution ofcadastral register in Banat, pp.83 |
Nemeș, I., Constantinescu, L.,GullyErosionEffect from Torrential Basins,pp.87 |
Mirel, I., Carabeț, A., Patrick, M., Florescu, C., Stăniloiu, C., Girbaciu, A., Self-Degradation of Water Quality in Distribution Networks onthe Environment, pp.91 |
Bociort, L., Popa Gh., A Mathematical Approach to Solve River Flooding Problems, pp.97 |