Title:  Structural assessment laboratory for large scale tests
Contract  90CP/I/14.09.2007
Module I, Project type PI
Value: 1998000 lei
Coordinator: Autoritatea Nationala pentru Cercetare Stiintifica – ANCS
Contractor: Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timisoara - CEMSIG


Experimental investigation is an absolutely necessary investigation tool in the field of civil engineering for development of new products and solutions, or evaluation of performance of existing solutions. Although advanced numerical tools (such as the Finite Element Method) are available, complexity of practical applications does not allow in general a reliable evaluation of structural performance using numerical tools alone. The optimal solution is represented by a combination of numerical and experimental tools, as they complement each other.

There are several types of experimental tests that can be realized in the laboratory, the main categories (in the order of complexity and the necessary technical and financial resources) are: static monotonic tests, quasi-static monotonic and cyclic tests, pseudo-dynamic tests, centrifuge tests, shaking table tests.

Currently, at the laboratory of the research centre CEMSIG (qualified as centre of excellence by CNCIS) has the equipment necessary for static and quasi-static monotonic and cyclic tests (reaction frame, hydraulic actuators, data acquisition and control). The existing reaction frame is limited from the point of view of loading capacity and size of specimens, which are limited to plane assemblies of relatively reduced dimensions.

The project aims at extending the experimental capacity of the CEMSIG research centre, by development of a new facility for tests on large and full-scale specimens. This facility is comprised of a reaction wall and a strong floor and will allow experimental tests on both plane and 3D structures. The existing actuators will be supplemented by two new large-capacity actuators, with hydraulic unit and controller. This new facility will allow quasi-static as well as pseudo-dynamic tests to be carried on, that evaluate seismic performance of full-scale structures by combining experimental quasi-static testing with numerical evaluation of dynamic seismic forces. The reaction wall and the strong floor will be built in an extension of existing laboratory building, that will be endowed with a gantry crane.


3.1. Integration of the project in priority research directions of the National Strategy

Romania is a country with high seismic risk, so that construction of new structures, as well as rehabilitation of existing constructions cannot be accomplished efficiently without adoption of modern structural solutions, using high-performance materials and technologies. Safety and quality of constructions in Romania are the subject of the 10/1995 law and are the object of state politics. Within this context, the project fits in the domain 3.5 constructions, and the subdomain 3.5.7 "Technical solutions for reduction of risk for new constructions and post-disaster consolidation".

3.2. Integration of the project in the fundamental objectives of the program 2 "Capacities"

Development of experimental facilities proposed within the project represents an opportunity for national and international cooperation in the field of safety of constructions and will allow the CEMSIG research centre to sustain participation of Romania to international research, development and innovation programs. The project develops the existing infrastructure of the CEMSIG research centre with a completely new experimental facility and through the proposed investments increases the degree of utilization of the research infrastructure.


4.1. Short presentation of the achievements in subsequent ST field, at national and international level.

In engineering field in general and in construction field in special, experimental tests represent an absolutely necessary investigation method in view of developing new products and solutions to evaluate the performances of existing solutions. In spite of the fact that some advanced calculation methods exist at present time, enabling to simulate numerically structural features (as for example the Finite Elements Method), the complexity of practical problems does not allow for the exclusive use of  numerical methods in evaluating the structural performance. The optimum solution is generally represented by the use of both experimental methods and numerical simulation which complete each other. 

A special field in constructional science is represented by the behaviour of structures under exceptional loading, as for example earthquake load. Compared with other types of loads (dead load, live load, wind, snow) the earthquake load occurs relative rarely in structure life but with disastrous consequences on the building. This is caused by the fact that seismic the design of structures has started relatively late. The first codes for seismic design, including provisions close to the modern ones have appeared in the years 1970 (Priestley, 1997). In Romania, the first compulsory anti-seismic design code was issued in 1963 (P13-63). That is why, most of the buildings designed and erected before the introduction of modern seismic design codes are under a high risk to suffer major damage as result of a seismic action and definitely need consolidation / refurbishment. Even structures designed to modern seismic codes may suffer important damages under earthquake as a result of the fact that, by economical reasons, they are designed for lower seismic load than those corresponding to elastic behaviour. In this situation, a structure is able to survive to a major earthquake owing to its ductility, which implies large deformations in post elastic range. Some particular constructions (as hospitals, fire-stations, etc) have to remain in operation after earthquake. In many cases, special technologies are used as for example base isolation or supplementary systems to dissipate energy and diminish structural damage caused by earthquake.

In all cases hereby presented (refurbishment of existing constructions, provision of ductility for the new buildings and base isolation techniques as well as energy dissipation devices) the structural elements and the structures exhibit a complex behaviour, which compulsory implies the use of experimental techniques to evaluate existing structures performance and the development of new seismic-resistant systems. Furthermore, the experimental tests are serving as support for the development of new seismic design codes.

Depending on complexity level and required technical and material resources, there are several types of experimental tests which may be performed in the laboratory, the most important being:

  • static monotonic tests
  • quasi static monotonic and cyclic tests
  • pseudo-dynamic tests
  • centrifuge tests
  • shaking table tests

The static monotonic tests are the simplest an generally consist in applying a force by means of hydraulic cylinders. In many tests of this kind, load control is applied up to the level when the yield point of the specimen material is reached. The object for this type of testing is represented by structural elements (beams, columns) or assemblies (beam-to-column connections). Performing static monotonic testing generally requires relatively modest material resources (testing stand, hydraulic cylinders with manual pump, measure instruments). They are generally representative for structural behaviours under actions which might be considered of static type.  However, this type of testing is not adequate for seismic performance evaluation, since it is not able to describe the dynamic, cyclic and inelastic response of the structure.

Static monotonic tests on joints in space structures at the CEMSIG research center from the Faculty of civil Engineering, Politehnica University of Timisoara

The quasi-static monotonic and cyclic testing consists of a slow (quasi-static) application of the load, with deflection control, either monotonic or cyclic. The application of the load under deflection control allows for the evaluation of structural performance in the postelastic range. The cyclic testing, generally performed at progressively increasing amplitudes, have as purpose to simulate the alternating character of the seismic load. In respect with the static tests, those performed in cyclic quasi-static mode have the advantage of inducing alternating inelastic deflections in the specimens, thus reproducing more precisely the real stress level within tested elements. Several methods of load application exist, one of these being that proposed by the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS, 1985). The use of standardized methods has the advantage to ease the comparison between testing results coming from different laboratories. The cyclic quasi-static testing is generally used to evaluate individual elements performances (beams, columns) or small assemblies (as beam-to-column connections).

Steel frame used for monotonic and cyclic testing at the „Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Civil Engineering Faculty, CEMSIG Research Centre  (http://cemsig.ct.upt.ro)

ECCS procedure to apply loading in case of quasi-static cyclic testing.

Example of hysteretic response of a beam-to-column connection obtained as result of quasi-static cyclic testing.

Compared to the static loading, the quasi-static ones (either monotonic or cyclic) require a higher investment, as load application with deflection control cannot be achieved using hydraulic cylinders operated by manual pumps and require hydraulic actuators equipped with hydraulic power units and controllers. Besides this equipment, an experimental stand is necessary, together with captors and data acquisition station.

Unfortunately, the quasi-static cyclic testing is not able to reproduce two of the most important structural features under seismic action. The first of these is the strain rate, much lower in the experimental case than in reality, and which is neglecting the dynamic effect of the seismic action. The second aspect is the deflection history, which in case of a real earthquake has a random character (aspect) and does not increase following a progressive predetermined pattern.

Geotechnical centrifuge devices are used in geotechnical field on the purpose to study the way in which geologic materials interact with structure foundations. Testing performed in centrifugal devices have the aim to evaluate strength, stiffness and bearing capacity of bridge and building foundations, slope stability, etc. Since this type of testing is performed at small scale, the acceleration induced by the centrifugal device should be larger than the gravitational one, in order to reproduce the effect of the gravity acceleration on real structures.

Acutronic Centrifuge 665-1 installed al Rensselaer Politechnical Institute in USA. (http://www.nees.org/).

The shaking table is an experimental device built of a platform, moved by hydraulic actuators, which are able to induce a movement similar to that observed during earthquakes. The platform allows connecting on it an experimental structural model, non-structural components or services. A very large variety of such devices exist, which differ by physical dimensions and the number of degrees of freedom (between 1 and 6) for which deflections or rotations may be imposed. The shaking table is able to reproduce most accurately the loading conditions on structures during earthquakes.

However, some drawbacks of this solution still exist:

  • the required cost to built such a device is particularly high, imposing impressive material resources for both achievement and maintenance
  • owing to the high cost, most vibrating tables do not allow for natural scale testing
  • the short time required to perform this testing makes difficult an accurate observation of structural response

Shaking table of Kajima Laboratory (http://www.kajima.co.jp/)

Quasi-static cyclic testing does not describe in an accurate mode the stress state under seismic action. Furthermore, they do not permit the assessment of seismic performance of the structure as a whole. On the other hand, the shaking table testing suffers from the previously described drawbacks. An investigating method to assess in a better way the seismic response of structures at natural scale is the pseudo-dynamic test. The concept was proposed for the first time by Hakuno et al (1969) and Takanashi et al. (1974). In principle, a pseudo-dynamic test consists of combining a quasi-static test at natural scale with computer simulation of the dynamic effect of the seismic action (see figure below) The basic hypothesis on which the pseudo-dynamic test is built consists in the possibility to describe the dynamic response of a structure based on a model with a finite number of dynamic degrees of freedom (DOF).

The equation of motion of a system with several degrees of freedom may be expressed by a differential equation of the type:

where M and C are the mass matrix, and damping matrix respectively, a(t) and v(t) the acceleration and velocity vectors, r(t) is the restoring forces vector while ag(t) is the accelerogram representing the seismic action.

In order to simulate the seismic action on the experimental model, the numerical model is analysed under the action of an accelerogram representing the seismic motion to which the structure is subjected. The result of this analysis obtained by numerical integration of the equation of motion consist into the displacements x(t) along the considered dynamic degrees of freedom. These displacements are applied on the tested structure by means of servo-controlled hydraulic actuators connected to a reaction wall. The force transducers of the actuators record the forces generated into the structure as a result of applying the imposed displacements and the information is transmitted to the computer with the purpose of integrating the equation of motion in the next step (Taucer and Franchioni, 2004). Owing to the fact that the inertial forces are numerically modelled, a pseudo-dynamic test is not performed in real time. The actuator control is performed in quasi-static regime which allows for the use of relatively small sources of hydraulic power.

The pseudo-dynamic test is generally considered as being complementary to that performed on vibrating table. In the table below, the advantages and disadvantages of the two testing methods are synthesized.

Vibrating table testing Pseudo-dynamic testing
Require large costs for construction and maintenance May be realised by means of usual equipment in quasi-static tests (reaction wall and actuators)
The physical dimensions of the experimental model are limited Allows for natural scale testing
Loading rate is taken into consideration The effects of loading rate are not directly considered
May be applied to structures with continuous distribution of massed (infinite number of dynamic degrees of freedom) Not appropriate for structures with continuous distribution of the mass (infinite number of dynamic degrees of freedom)
The short duration of the test makes it difficult to observe in a detailed manner the structural response Long duration of test which allows for a detailed observation of the experimental model response

In order to perform pseudo-dynamic testing, the laboratory must be equipped with a reaction wall and a strong floor (see figure below). A reaction wall is an experimental device which allows performing experimental tests on structures at natural scale. This is used almost exclusively together with a strong floor. The reaction wall serves to support actuators witch apply load on the structure, while the strong floor serves to support the structure itself. The reaction wall should have a considerably higher resistance than the tested structures while its deflections should be several orders of magnitude lower than those measured on the structure itself. To allow for connecting the actuators on the reaction wall and the structure on the strong floor, these are provided with a system of holes located in a rectangular pattern at intervals between 0.25 and 1.0 m (Taucer and Franchioni, 2004). The reaction wall and the strong floor are offering a large flexibility in possibilities to perform quasi-static and pseudo-dynamic testing.

The reaction wall and the strong floor of the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment –ELSA of the Joint Research Centre of ISPRA.


ECCS (1985). "Recommended Testing Procedures for Assessing the Behaviour of Structural Elements under Cyclic Loads", European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, Technical Committee 1, TWG 1.3 – Seismic Design, No.45

Priestley, M.J.N., (1997) Displacement-Based Seismic Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, No.1, 157-192

Taucer, F. and Franchioni, G. (ed.) (2004). "Directory of European facilities for seismic and dynamic tests in support of industry". Report No. 6 of the CASCADE project

4.2. General and specific objectives of the project.

A coherent strategy existed at the CEMSIG research centre for development of experimental and numerical analysis capacities, starting with TEMPUS programs and continuing with major research and development programs mentioned at section 4.7. In the last few years, acquiring of new equipments for laboratory of the CEMSIG research centre were funded through the CEEX MATNANTECH „STOPRISC” projects, as well as through the "Interdisciplinary Platform for Formation and Research", directed by prof.dr.ing. Dan Dubina. The present project proposes realisation of a completely new facility, in a separate building, without any equivalent at the national level, which will benefit from the existing infrastructure (handling equipment, mechanicsl equipment, mobile platform, etc.).

At present time, the laboratory of CEMSIG Research Centre is equipped with some experimental facilities among which a reaction frame with actuators of 500 kN and 1000 kN (with hydraulic unit and controller), displacement and force transducers, inclinometres, static and dynamic dataloggers, universal testing machines of 10 kN and 250 kN, Brinell hardness machine, Charpy pendulum of 300J with temperature chamber (-60/ +80°C), etc. These equipments allow to perform various testing on materials and assemblies (e.g. beam-to-column connections). Examples of static and quasi-static testing on sub-assemblies performed in the past at the CEMSIG Centre are presented at section 4.1. However, owing to its dimensions (inner space of approximately 4x4.5 m) the existing reaction frame is limiting the dimensions of the tested specimens. Furthermore, as the existing hall is of light type, there is no possibility to provide a crane inside which makes it difficult to handle specimens and actuators. The actuator control system allows applying pre-defined forces or deflections (ramp, triangular, sinusoidal or arbitrary histories) specific to monotonic or cyclic quasi-static testing. Though representing a powerful tool to evaluate the seismic performance of structural elements and assemblies, quasi static testing which may be performed using existing equipment has two drawbacks. These are the incapacity to perform testing on full-scale models and application of a loading procedure describing accurately the structural behaviour under seismic action (contrary to pre-defined variations of loading).

The general purpose of the project is represented by the extension of the experimental capacity of the CEMSIG Research Centre laboratory by building a new  experimental facility, composed by a reaction wall on a strong floor and a gantry crane sustained by a covered structure. This new facility will allow to perform testing on full-scale or close full-scale structures with 1-3 stories. The reaction wall will have a width of 5 m and a height of 6,5 m.. Full-scale tests are necessary to evaluate structural performance in inelastic range, since small scale testing performed using similitude theory are only appropriate for the elastic range. Besides testing on large structural models, the reaction wall and the strong floor will allow to perform testing on independent elements and assemblies, and offer an increased flexibility in building various experimental arrangements.

Since the present space of the laboratory does not allow building a reaction wall and a gantry crane, an extension of the laboratory will be built to continue the existing one. The new structure,  will have a bigger height witch will allow erecting a reaction wall with sufficient height to test structural models up to three stories, as well as the provision of a gantry crane, which will ease handling of specimens and actuators.

Another objective is to provide the laboratory with two high capacity actuators (2*1000 kN), equipped with a hydraulic unit and controllers. Together with the existing actuators (of 500 kN and 1000 kN), the new devices will allow to built more complex experimental arrangements than those possible at present time, which will describe more accurately the stress and deflections of real structures. Furthermore, the four actuators will allow to perform natural scale (1:1) testing on structures up to two storey (in case of space structures) and up to three stories (in case of plane models).

Experimental set-up for tests on the first floor of a multi-storey structure, simulating vertical and horizontal loading (left) and experimental set-up for a beam-to-column joint (right).

Experimental set-up for testing of 2D (left) and 3D (right) models of a multi-storey structure.

Additionally to the possibility to perform full-scale tests, the ensemble four actuators and controller will allow application of pseudo-dynamic tests. This type of testing has the advantage of reproducing the seismic response of a structure by combining the experimental testing of the structure with numerical determination of dynamic forces acting on it. More detailed information on pseudo-dynamic tests are available at section 4.1. Complementary to hardware system (reaction wall, strong floor, actuators, acquisition and control systems), a software link between the numerical part and the hardware part is necessary. Currently two solutions are available: one developed by JRC Ispra and another one (OpenFresco) developed within the NEES program in US (George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation).

Model of the reaction wall and the strong floor (from 3D din proiect)

Reaction wall placed in the extension of the CEMSIG laboratory

Gantry crane 5t placed in the extension of the CEMSIG laboratory

Extension of the CEMSIG laboratory

4.3. ST services provided by the new facility. Ways of using project results (estimation of expected results, benefits in view) potential beneficiaries, enrolling of young people.

New experimental facilities (reaction wall, strong floor, actuators, control system) will allow full scale or close to full-scale tests to be performed, on structures and subassemblies, both in quasi-static and pseudo-dynamic control. The pseudo-dynamic tests represent a modern and innovative method for experimental evaluation of seismic response of structures. Experimental facilities developed at the CEMSIG research centre as a result of this project will propel the development of new solutions for seismic protection of new and existing structures, considering the possibility to validate seismic performance by full-scale pseudo-dynamic tests. There are more and more seismic protection systems that make use of special dissipative elements. Evaluation of global performance of structures equipped with dissipative devices require not only numerical studies, but also full-scale experimental validation.

This unique experimental facility at the level of Romania and Eastern Europe will aid in attracting master and PhD students, as well as young researches. Additionally to supporting the research of Romanian master and PhD students, the new facility will support international study programs, to which Politehnica University of Timisoara is part.

The new laboratory for large-scale testing on structures will be a development of the laboratory of the CEMSIG research centre, which is integrated in the interdisciplinary platform for research and development "Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in the Engineering of Materials and Structures - CESCIMS".

4.4. Access conditions for third parties (access programme, available documentation, conditions and access costs, staff).

The experimental facility developed in this project will be included in the CEMSIG research centre, but it will integrate research activities from other departments of the Polithnica University of Timisoara. One example is the Department of Civil and Industrial Buildings, which integrates the CESMAST research centre, a partner of CEMSIG in former and actual research projects (it could be mentioned here the common activity of CESMAST and CEMSIG in the European research project FP6 PROHITECH). Students, PhD students and teaching staff from the university will have access to the experimental facility in the frame of didactic and scientific activity. From this point of view, the only restriction to the experimental facility is related to the schedule of the experimental programs. No special conditions related to access and costs for access will be imposed. The costs for maintenance and utilities will be covered from overheads. The technical personnel belonging to the CEMSIG centre will be involved also in the activities related to the developed experimental facility. The laboratory for structural assessment by means of large scale tests will develop the participation in national and international research projects. Collaboration with economical partners from Romania and abroad is also envisaged.

4.5. The way the investment leads to international/European projects implication.

CEMSIG research centre is constantly involved in important national and international research projects. The following representative projects could be mentioned:

FP4 European Project INCO-COPERNICUS "Reliability of Moment Resistant Connections of Steel Building Frames in Seismic Areas - RECOS", 1997-1999, partnership between 8 European universities

Major grant C16 "Buildings in strong seismic areas", financed by the Romanian Government and World Bank, 1998-2001, coordinated by the Politehnica University of Timisoara.

FP6 European Project  "Earthquake protection of historical buildings by reversible mixed technologies - PROHITECH", 2004-2007, partnership between 16 European and Mediterranean countries

CEEX MATNANTECH Project "Structural systems and advanced technologies for structures made by high strength steel in strong seismic areas - STOPRISC", 2005-2008, 3 partners, coordinated by the Politehnica University in Timisoara

RFCS European Project "Steel solutions for seismic retrofit and upgrade of existing constructions" - STEELRETRO, 2007-2009.

COST – C25 "Sustainability of constructions: Integrated Approach to life-time Structural Engineering", 2006-2010

COST – C26 "Urban Habitat Constructions under catastrophic events" 2006 – 2010

The proposed experimental facility is unique in Romania and Eastern Europe and will improve the involvement of the CEMSIG centre in national and international research projects.


5.1. The technological / scientific contribution of the project to the national research, degree of novelty and complexity of proposed solutions, in relationship with the investment (characteristics of the acquired equipments / of the developed laboratory)

In Romania, laboratories in the filed of structural testing that are equipped with facilities significant for assessment of seismic performance of structures are available at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, the Technical University of Constructions from Bucharest, and the Technical University "Gh. Asachi" from Iasi.

The most important equipments existing at the CEMSIG research centre from the Politehnica University of Timisoara are two hydraulic actuators, of 500 kN and 1000 kN, set up in a reaction frame, that can be used for static and quasi-static tests (monotonic and cyclic) on elements and subassemblies. Currently, the laboratory is in the process of purchase of a 1000 kN universal testing machine that will allow quasi-static and dynamic tests on small components (welding connections, bolted joints, dissipative devices, etc.)

The Technical University of Constructions from Bucharest has a reaction frame, equipped with a vertical hydraulic jack of 2000 kN and two horizontal ones, 1000 kN each. the maximum dimensions of the specimens that can be tested is 2.5x3 m. The system allows performing both static and quasi-static tests in monotonic and cyclic control.

The Technical University "Gh. Asachi" from Iasi has a shaking table, that allows dynamic testing of structural models.

Development of a reaction wall and a strong floor in the laboratory of the CEMSIG research centre will allow both quasi-static and pseudo-dynamic tests on full-scale or large-scale models. This type of tests will be realised for the first time in Romania, while the experimental facility will be unique in the Eastern Europe. Pseudo-dynamic tests on structures are developed and performed by prestigious laboratories, such as JRC (Joint Research Centre) at Ispra, Italy, Building Research Institute, Japan, and laboratories that are part of NEES (George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation). In Europe, pseudo-dynamic testing is used at the University of Trento (Italy), and is currently implanted at the University of Porto (Portugal) and the Middle-East Technical University in Ankara (Turkey).

Development of the capacity to perform pseudo-dynamic tests on full-scale structures in the laboratory of the CEMSIG research centre from the Politehnica University of Timisoara will increase the collaboration with international research centres, integrating the CEMSIG research centre in the network of European laboratories that perform dynamic (using shaking tables) and pseudo-dynamic testing. On the other hand, new opportunities will arise for collaboration between structural laboratories in Romania, considering the complementarity of the structural testing techniques (quasi-static, pseudo-dynamic and dynamic), implemented at the laboratories from Timisoara, Bucharest and Iasi.

5.2 The economic / social impact, ST opportunities and services for the regional socio-economic development as a consequence of investments in CDI infrastructure, the purpose of the science in society etc.

Romania is a country with high seismic risk. Presently, there are a big number of buildings that need seismic rehabilitation / consolidation. The experimental facilities developed at the laboratory of the excellence centre CEMSIG will allow the experimental validation of some innovative systems of seismic rehabilitation by pseudo-dynamic tests at real scale (1:1). Besides the rehabilitation of the existent structures, the pseudo-dynamic tests will impel the development of new structural systems and seismic dissipation devices for the new buildings. The implementation of new structural systems and the seismic rehabilitation of existent structures will lead to the diminution of the seismic risk, assuring the safety in the developing of the economic and social environment.

The experimental testing services will be available both for other research centres within Romania and its region, but also for the economic environment.

5.3. Impact on the environment quality and natural resources conservation, health etc.

The new experimental facility will include equipments that comply with the modern quality standards. The new experimental facility (reaction wall, covered structure to support the gantry crane) will be in metallic solution, the steel being a 100% recoverable and recyclable material. It is estimated that through the experimental researches it will be conceivable the development of new structural solutions, resistant to seismic actions and adequate to the sustainability concept.


The UPT-CEMSIG team has a good experience in participation to large national and international grants related to the thematic of the project. The team involved in the project was constituted in the direction of complementarity of competences.

There could be mentioned the following on-going or already finished projects, to which project manager was prof. Dan Dubina, the CEMSIG director: the European project COPERNICUS RECOS ERB IC15-CT96-2001, „Reliability of moment resistant connections of steel building frames in seismic areas” Coordinated by the Naples University, the Major Grant World Bank - CNCSIS Cod C16 „Earthquake safety of Romaian Buildings located in zones with strong seismic motions” (coordinator UPT-CEMSIG Prof. Dan Dubina), The European FP6 Project "Earthquake protection of historical buildings by reversible mixed technologies - PROHITECH" (2004-2007) in a partnership of 16 European and Mediterranean countries, The European Programme RFCS "Steel solutions for seismic retrofit and upgrade of existing constructions" – STEELRETRO (2007-2009).

Prof.dr.ing. Dan Dubina, the head of the research centre CEMSIG is the president of the Romanian Convention of Constructional Steelwork, respectively member in the executive committee of the European Convention of Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) and has among his competence areas: application of the numerical and experimental methods in structural design, behaviour of steel and composite structures in seismic areas. The particular experience in the area of the project thematic is proven by the research themes and the reference papers given in annex 2.2.

Conf.dr.ing. Raul Zaharia, the project manager, has also a good experience in the domain of methods and experimental techniques, by the research topics investigated within the Excellence Centre CEMSIG – Timisoara with experimental programme, but also by his research stages done at the Liege University, Belgium in 1997, University of Trento, Italy, 1999 and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in ISPRA, Italy between 2003 and 2005. Within the stage done at ELSA laboratory at JRC Ispra, he participated to experimental research programmes regarding the anti-seismic conformation of structures, by pseudo-dynamic tests at real scale in direct correlation with the project topic.

Drd. Ing. Nicu Muntean, the laboratory responsible, with the following research theme: “Study of the Behaviour of Structural Connections of High Strength Steel Subjected to Seismic Actions”.

Conf.dr.ing. Aurel Stratan has defended in 2003 the Ph.D. thesis with the title: “Study of the behaviour of multi-storey buildings with dual metallic frames located in seismic zones” and has a rich activity in the domain of seismic engineering and of experimental analysis.

Conf.dr.ing. Florea Dinu, has among his competence areas the behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas and as a relevant aspect for the present project there could be mentioned that he was member in the managerial committee as Romanian delegate for the European Research Program COST action C12: Improving buildings' structural quality by new technologies (1999-2004), respectively he is member in the managerial of the European Research Program COST action C26 „Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrofic Events” (2006-2010).

Conf.dr.ing Adrian Ciutina, has defended in 2003 the co-tutoring Ph.D. thesis with the title: "Assemblages et comportement sismique de portiques en acier et mixtes acier - béton : expérimentation et simulation numérique" and also has a rich activity in the domain of the project.





IoanCurea1, 300224 Timișoara, ROMÂNIA

Fax. ++40.256.403932

Director Departament CMMC, Director CEMSIG:

Prof. dr. ing. Dan Dubina, tel: 0256403920,

Proiect Director:

Conf. dr. ing. Raul Zaharia, tel: 0256403922,

Laboratory Responsabile:

Drd. Ing. Nicolae Muntean, tel: 0256403923,