Study Programs - Bachelor degree
Civil engineering
Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Constructions
The programs provide the adequate skills for engineers in order to control the design, construction, rehabilitation, exploitation and maintenance of new and existing buildings of all types, by using classic and modern building materials. The programs in English and German benefit of special grants for studies in Great Britain and Germany.
Railways, Roads and Bridges
The program provides the adequate skills for engineers in order to control the design, construction, rehabilitation, exploitation and maintenance of transport infrastructures.
Hydrotechnical Developments and Constructions
The programs provide the adequate skills for engineers in order to control the design, construction, rehabilitation, exploitation and maintenance of various elements regarding the water related infrastructure.
Sanitary Engineering and Environment Protection
The program provides the adequate skills for engineers in order to develop efficient solutions in the fundamental urban development issue of design, construction, rehabilitation, exploitation and maintenance of water supply and sewerage engineering arrangements.
Geodetic Engineering
Land Measurement and Cadastre
The program provides the adequate skills for engineers in order to manage the design, realization and exploitation of works in the field of terrestrial measurements with different destinations (geodetic engineering works and surveying, cadastre, town planning, etc.).
Building Services Engineering
Building Services
The program provides the adequate skills for engineers in order to develop efficient solutions to provide the comfort in the built environment (heating, ventilation, water supply, gas supply, electrical systems).
Study Programs – Master degree
Civil engineering
Construction Rehabilitation
The social and economic impact of the durability of constructions is obvious, since a lot of resources are still used for rehabilitation and maintenance of existing structures, which should respond to new quality criteria, new design codes and actions. The program aims to qualify the bachelor graduates to design/ re-design new/ existing structures, and to take part, as specialists, at construction, repair and rehabilitation works.
Transport Infrastructures
The program is aimed at Bachelor graduates who wish to reach superior professional skills in specific activities concerning transport system design, development of transport networks, rehabilitation of roads, railways and bridges, design of airports and maintenance on the transport infrastructure.
Optimization of Hydrotechnical Systems
The program is aimed to continue the Bachelor program Hydrotechnical Developments and Constructions, and to expand the educational area in the field. Covering the hydraulic aspects of the complex phenomena, studies involving special hydraulics, hydro-technical mathematical modelling or flow analyses are developed, using special purpose software.
Optimization of the Exploitation of SanitaryEngineering and Environment Protection Systems
The program provides specific knowledge of the sanitary urban infrastructure, providing in-depth studies of issues regarding water supply and sewage efficient systems, water sources protection, used water cleaning and environmental health protection. Course topics are related to biotechnical methods for fresh and used water treatment or to rehabilitation and refurbishment of water supply and sewerage systems.
Sustanaible Development - Energy Audits and FireSafety of Buildings
The energy consumption as well as the fire vulnerability of buildings should be decreased, in order to create a sustainable built environment. The buildings should respond to new demands regarding these criteria and consequently should be properly designed or rehabilitated for energy saving and fire safety. The program provides specific knowledge to design and re-design the new and existing buildings, considering these aspects.
Geodetic Engineering
Cadastre and Evaluation of Immovables
The program aims to continue the Bachelor program Land Measurements and Cadastre and to expand the educational area on issues of real estate evaluation that generates additional skills for the graduates. The graduates should be able to find technical and technological solutions for surveying and geodetic works with different destinations, performed under various conditions.
Building Services Engineering
Optimization and Upgrading of Building Services
The program is aimed to continue the Bachelor program Building Services, and expand the educational area in the field. The program is focused to ensure the knowledge for the optimization of the specific equipment and building services in order to improve the comfort and the energy efficiency, taking into account the protection of the environment.
STUDY PROGRAMS - Doctoral studies
The educational offer of the Faculty includes also doctoral studies, in the domains of Civil Engineering, Building Services Engineering and Geodetic Engineering. Within the faculty, there are 22 PhD supervisers. Among these, in the last 3 years, 10 young professors have defended their habilitation thesis.